Queen, the Queen: Controversies about gender and performances
Communication, Performance, GenresAbstract
Based on the live performance of the group Queen in the 2015 Rock in Rio edition, when the British rock band featured a former member of reality musical show as a lead vocalist, we outline a controversy mapping to think about how gender issues, especially the debate on masculinity, can be important tools to think about the construction of value in pop music. The main issue relates to the different male performances of the two vocalists (Freddie Mercury, the original singer of the band and Adam Lambert, in Rock in Rio 2015), eliciting distinct places in the corporeality of pop music, as well as the notion of path as an apparatus capable to evoke principles of authenticity for artists. Our methodological process was the performance observation starting from three controversy categories: origins, music genres and bodies. The data was collected through YouTube, Twitter and LGBT blogs. As an initial result we indicate that the governability f bodies in a performance necessarily needs to renacte another performances, including the dichotomy surrounding presence in an update of performatic ritual where notions of file and setlist – already discussed by Diana Taylor (2013) - are important to discuss multiple possibilities of tensions and controversies in these spetacles.Downloads
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