Talking to the food: MasterChef and the soliloquy as a privileged access to authenticity
Reality show, Soliloquy, IndexicalsignsAbstract
The article posits an analysis and a historical contextualization of the television franchise of gastronomic competition MasterChef construed as a hybrid of reality show and talent show. Together with the revelation of the culinary competence of the participants (talent), the audience has access to what they are expected to consider to be the authentic emotions of the aspiring chefs (reality), to their intimacy, through the recurrent use in the narrative economy of the program of a way of talking that is unnatural in everyday life, namely, the soliloquy. By revisiting the history of this kind of monologue in literature and drama, we present an attempt to understand what the authors argue is the phenomenon of the authenticity effect in MasterChef. We analyze five variants of the soliloquy in the franchise; they are drawn from episodes of the Brazilian, Argentinian and American editions of the TV show.Downloads
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