Angola – territory and identity. Chronicles by Luís Fernando
Literary Journalism, Angola, ChronicleAbstract
Literary journalism is, by now, a genre with a history for the story-tellers of the real. This article analyses the corpus chosen, journalist Luís Fernando’s chronicles, originally published by Angolan magazine Vida, seeking the types of approach used to grasp seminal elements in identity formation, the concepts of language and territory, also aiming to locate the elements present in the articles that allow its inclusion in literary journalism. Studies in Angolan journalism are scarce, both due to academic reasons and to motives found in the historical and political situations of the country, which emerged in 2002 from five decades of wars. Critical discourse analysis of texts has allowed glimpsing efforts toward a gradual, cultural reconnection to Angolan territory promoted by these chronicles, aiming at the whole population, after a long period of estrangement caused by its former military appropriation, as well as questioning of some aspects of the Portuguese language.Downloads
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