Multifamiliar group with sexual offender adolescents
sexual offender adolescent, multifamiliar group, family, psychosocial intervention.Abstract
The text presents the Multifamiliar Group as an interventionist proposal with sexual offender adolescents, carried on at the Psychopedagogical Medical Orientation Center at Brasília. The target public were the sexual offender adolescents, their families as well as their friends. The MG took place in five encounters where specific themes common to all the families were developed: Protection; Sexuality; Sexual violence is a crime; Transgenerationality; Dating project. The human resources included the COMPP team (2 psychologists, 1 social assistant, 1 psychopedagogue) and the university team (1 teacher/supervisor/researcher, 3 graduation students and 2 post-graduation students). Twenty eight persons were present: 12 adults, 7 adolescents and 9 children. The MG totalizes 15 hours of intervention with a defined objective and focus. The steps of the proposal are: Articulation with the Net; Levelling of the methodological and theoretical knowledge of the MG; Familiar interviews with every participant family; MG with sexual offender adolescents; Evaluation of the effectiveness.Downloads
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How to Cite
Costa, L. F., Ribeiro, A., Junqueira, E. L., Falcomer Meneses, F. F., & Stroher, L. M. C. (2012). Multifamiliar group with sexual offender adolescents. Psico, 42(4). Retrieved from