Convergent validity Evidence of the Personality Style (EB) in Z-test/SC
Validity evidence, Personality Style, Z-test, Rorschach.Abstract
The Z-test was adapted for the Comprehensive System in a Brazilian sample, although the Comprehensive was developed by Eexner for encoding and interpretation of the Rorschach method. Dewing the similarities among both techniques it was supposed that the Zulliger can receive the same treatment that the Rorschach received. This study aims to verify the validity evidences for the EBeb style in the Zulliger, analyzing the correlations with the on the Rorschach. 51 protocols were selected from a data base, both genders and different education and social level. Participants did the Rorschach and the Zulliger in consecutive days, alternating the sequence of tests. Some correlations were significant but the results indicated the need to establish new proportions of the variables that constitute the EB to the Z-test.Downloads
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How to Cite
Villemor-Amaral, A. E., & Cardoso, L. M. (2012). Convergent validity Evidence of the Personality Style (EB) in Z-test/SC. Psico, 43(1). Retrieved from