The Scientific Production in Social Representations: Analysis of Dissertations and Theses Produced in Pernambuco
Social representations theory, content analysis, scientific production, Pernambuco.Abstract
The Social Representations Theory (SRT) has been playing an important role in Human and Social Sciences, especially in Latin America countries and, particularly in Brazil. In this point of view, it seems important to analyze the theses and dissertations in the last ten years in human, social and health sciences that make use of SRT. Was conducted a bibliography research of scientific documents in the Post-graduation programs of Pernambuco. The data was analyzed using content analysis. As results, in the theoretical scope, the researches present themselves as dependent of foreign elaborations, especially from some authors, such as Moscovici, Jodelet and Abric. So being, it can be observed that the theory has been accomplishing greater highlights among the production in the State of Pernambuco. However, it’s worth pointing that, although the production has been increasing, it doesn’t mean that the work in the state have been characterized by a greater theoretical or methodological development.Downloads
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How to Cite
Santos, M. de F. de S., Morais, E. R. C., & Neto, M. de L. A. (2012). The Scientific Production in Social Representations: Analysis of Dissertations and Theses Produced in Pernambuco. Psico, 43(2). Retrieved from