Human Values and Meaning of Money: A Correlational Study
Values. Children. Economical psychology.Abstract
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between human values and meaning of money for children. Participants were 1.445 children, with a mean age of 11 years (sd = 1.09; range 9-14 years), mostly male (51%), and were from north (n = 585) and northeast (n = 860) of Brazil. They answered the Meaning of Money for Children Scale (MMCS), the children version of Basic Values Survey (BVS-C) and demographic questions. Results pointed differences related to gender and region where children live, as well as correlation between happiness factor and achievement values
(r = 0.28); loneliness factor and altruism were correlated with suprapersonal values (r = 0.13 and 0.26, respectively); and exclusion presented correlation with normative values (r = -0.08). In conclusion. follows that human values of children, gender and regional context influence the meaning of money.
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