Path of Young Offenders After a Socio-Educational Measure Deprived of Freedom
Teenager in conflict with the law, Self-esteem, Drugs.Abstract
This research investigated trajectories of adolescents after a socio-educational measure through a quantitative and longitudinal study. Participants were 143 young offenders aged between 14 and 20 years old. The instruments used were a data socio-demographic and a risk and protective factors questionnaire, besides conducting telephone contacts for a period of two and half years. Participants were divided into four groups: G1: recidivists (n=22), G2: socially reintegrated (n=24), G3: maintaining the status (n=38) and G4: other situations (n=59). The results indicated that the contextual variables were not associated with the type of trajectory. As to personal variables, we found significant differences, G2 presented higher levels in relation to self-esteem while G1 had higher levels of drug use. Therefore, proposals for intervention with this population should consider both contextual and personal variables.Downloads
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