Binge Eating Indicators after Bariatric Surgery


  • Clarissa Nesi Venzon Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • João Carlos Alchieri Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Morbid obesity, ECAP, Rorschach-SC, Gastric Bypass.


Morbid obesity is related to high rates of morbidity and mortality. Bariatric Surgery has been shown effective, leading to rapid weight loss and remission of comorbidities. Higher incidence of psychopathologies is in this population. Binge Eating has been linked to the new weight gain after surgery. This study investigated indicators on Binge Eating in 40 post-surgical patients undergoing Bariatric Surgery at least 2 years earlier, who were divided into Group 1 and 2, with a loss of more than 50% of the initial weight loss and less than 50%, respectively. The Rorschach method-SC and the Binge Eating Scale were the instruments used. The results indicated significant differences with elevations in Binge Eating Group 1 (p<0.01), presence of impulsivity (p<0.05) and difficulty in perceptual integration (p<0.05). It is concluded that Binge Eating after surgery is a precursor of weight regain and should be treated carefully.


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Author Biographies

Clarissa Nesi Venzon, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Formada em Psicologia pela PUC-RS em 1999. Especialização em Psicoterapia, em 2002 na FUMM-RS; Mestranda do PPg em Psicologia da UFRN e Prof. do Centro Universitário Facex em Natal-RN. Atuante em psicoterapia e avaliação Psicológica.

CV Lattes

João Carlos Alchieri, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Prof. Associado do Departamento de Psicologia
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN


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How to Cite

Venzon, C. N., & Alchieri, J. C. (2014). Binge Eating Indicators after Bariatric Surgery. Psico, 45(2), 239–249.




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