Factorial analysis and unidimensionality of the enuresis impact scale
enurese, escala de impacto, unidimensionalidade, analise fatorialAbstract
Nocturnal enuresis is a highly significant disorder for children and adolescents, considering the restrictions that it imposes to activities and routines of those who suffer from it. The scale of impact to enuresis is one of the few instruments developed specifically to the evaluation of this population, but it still remains without the evaluation of its psychometric qualities. Aiming the evaluation of the psychometric parameters of the present scale, a sample of 52 enuretic participants was composed. For the evaluation of the unidimensionality it was used the correlation matrix of the items through the Factorial Analysis, method of extraction of the main components and rotation PROMAX. The factorial charges were analysed associated to the items of the scale, as well as their internal consistency. The results point to two scopes evaluated on the scale (physical and psychological), both of which counting with psychometric parameters of appropriate unidimensionality. Keywords: Enuresis; scale of impact; unidimensionality; factorial analysis.Downloads
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How to Cite
Salvo, C. G. de, Silvares, E. F. de M., & Toni, P. M. D. (2008). Factorial analysis and unidimensionality of the enuresis impact scale. Psico, 39(2). Retrieved from https://pucrs.emnuvens.com.br/revistapsico/article/view/1494