Short Test Of Music Preference (STOMP): evidences of its factor validity and reliability


  • Valdiney V. Gouveia UFP
  • Carlos Eduardo Pimentel
  • Neliane Lima de Santana
  • Wises Albertina Chaves
  • Carolina Andrade Rodrigues


Música, preferência musical, estilo musical, STOMP


This study aimed at to adapt the STOMP (Short Test Of Music Preference), jointing evidences of its factor validity and reliability. Participants were two hundred undergraduate students from a public University in João Pessoa city. They were 22 years old (SD = 4.77; 93.5% of them with age raging from 18 to 30 years), most of them female (51%), single (88%), of an economic middle class (60%), students of Psychology (29%) or Management (18%). Corroborating previous studies, a four factors solution of musical style was identified, as follows: Reflexive & Complex (α = .74), Up Beat & Conventional (α = .59), Intensive & Rebellious (α = .64), and Energetic & Rhythmic (α = .60). When the uni- and bi-factor models were compared with the four-factor model, this last revealed itself more adequate: χ²/df = 2.59, GFI = .89, AGFI = .84, and RMSEA = .09; Δχ² (5) = 128.25, p < .001. Differences in musical preference were observed according to gender. Specifically, females repported to like of Up Beat and Conventional style, meanwhile males indicated to prefer Intensive and Rebelious style. These findings are critically discussed, assessing the need of including new musical styles, and suggesting future studies about this theme. Keywords: Music; musical preference; musical style; STOMP.


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How to Cite

Gouveia, V. V., Pimentel, C. E., Santana, N. L. de, Chaves, W. A., & Rodrigues, C. A. (2008). Short Test Of Music Preference (STOMP): evidences of its factor validity and reliability. Psico, 39(2). Retrieved from


