The Relationship Between Postpartum Depression and Social Support: A Literature Review
Postpartum depression, Social support, Bibliographic research.Abstract
In order to conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature on the relationship between postpartum (PPD) depression and social support, it was carried out a survey of online articles that have established this relationship. The search for papers published from January 2000 to August 2011 was performed in the databases APA PsycNET, EBSCOhost, Pepsic, PubMed, and Scielo. It was selected studies written in Portuguese or English, that had used quantitative method, the Edinburgh Scale of Post-partum Depression Scale (EPDS), applied between delivery and 12 months from childbirth to evaluate PPD, and social support measures. It was identified 24 articles, conducted in 11 countries. It was examined, besides the association with social support measures, the number and age of participants, EPDS scores, and other factors associated with the occurrence of PPD. Although using different instruments to assess social support, 23 studies (96% of sample size) have found that the higher the social support perceived by mothers, the lower the prevalence of PPD. The results of this work show, particularly for health professionals and health services, the importance of early detection of depression signs, and of the adoption of preventive measures in the care for women during and after pregnancy.Downloads
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