Identification of Early Signs of Autism According to a Structured Observational Protocol: a Follow-up Study
Autism spectrum disorders, Early diagnosis, Child development.Abstract
Early, intensive and long-term interventions are associated with a positive impact on the prognosis of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders-ASD. The objectives of this study were to follow children with 16-24 months until three years of age in order to confirm/refute the diagnosis of ASD and verify if a structured observation protocol developed in Brazil would be able to discriminate children at high/low risk for ASD. Instruments: Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-M-CHAT, Autism Behavior Checklist-ABC, Structured Observation for Autism Screening-OERA, Bayley and Vineland Scales. Of the 11 participants, none confirmed ASD diagnosis according to DSM-IV. The OERA was able to discriminate all negative cases of ASD. Conclusion: it was verified that M-CHAT was sensitive to identify developmental delays, but not specific regarding to ASD, being necessary other assessments to confirm the diagnosis; OERA was considered low cost, well accepted and important to discriminate developmental delays from ASD.Downloads
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