What Pre-School Teachers Say about Aggression among Children
Aggression, Preschool teachers, Preschool age children.Abstract
Aggression in childhood is a recurring complaint at psychological clinics. This quantitative and qualitative study investigated how 26 teachers characterize and deal with aggression among peers of preschoolers. Data from the Preschool Social Behavior Scale of 50 children were submitted to statistical analyses, while those from the Interviews about Aggression in Preschoolers with 23 educators went through categorical thematic content analysis. They characterized the children as hardly aggressive and socially competent, indicating a negative correlation between pro-social behavior and peer acceptance of children with aggression. The educators considered aggression deriving from socialization difficulties and “hitting someone” as behavior indicative of aggression. For the teachers, the children mainly reacted to the aggressive acts by hitting back, and the main intervention was talking to the child who practices the aggression. In conclusion, among the teachers, aggression is generally understood as a lack of social skill that requires intervention.Downloads
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