Moral Education in Primary School: Teaching Practice on Justice Teaching
Moral education, Justice, Primary school teachers.Abstract
This psychological study is focused on morality and moral education. We aimed to investigate the judgments of 23 teachers, 11 from the first and 12 from the fifth year of elementary school, in relation to justice teaching. Furthermore, we proposed to verify whether such practices are modified because of the school year the participant teaches. We conducted semi-structured interviews based on Piaget’s clinical method and analyzed the data according to this theory and the systematization proposed by Delval. We found that most of the reported practices deal with means that are grounded in imposing actions. Moreover, we ascertained differences between the school years surveyed: the fifth year teachers mention more imposing procedures. Overall, we found that the procedures the teachers adopt may not encourage the achievement of the aims desired. Based on the data obtained, we emphasize the need for interventions involving the population surveyed.Downloads
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