Attention Tests for Elderly People: Relationships with Age, Education and Housing
Focused attention, Sustained attention, Cognitive tests, Aging.Abstract
The purpose of the study was to find validity evidence for tests measuring focused and sustained attention in the elderly, based on the criteria age, education, housing conditions (sheltered or not), and response time on the instrument, as well as convergent validity through the correlation among them. Eighty-three people participated in the study, over 60 years of age and of both genders. The tests applied were the Focused Attention (FA) test and the Sustained Attention Test (SA). Scores on both correlated negatively with age and positively with education. The younger participants performed better than the older participants, and the homeless had higher averages. On the FA test, with a 50% longer response time for the older participants, the performance did not differ significantly from the younger. The correlation between the FA and the SA indicated that both measures are convergent. The results permit the conclusion that both measures are sensitive enough to assess attention in the elderly.Downloads
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