Individual, Social and Physical Environmental Variables in University Residences


  • Zenith Nara Costa Delabrida Universidade Federal de Sergipe



Social identity, appropriation of space, conflict map, the common dilemma, residential mobility.


This paper deals with a residential environment, university collective housing in university residences mode. Its importance has increased in recent years, mainly because of new public policies on access to public higher education. The overall objective was to investigate individual, social and physical environment variables in university residences to provide subsidies in the implementation and evaluation of this type of student assistance program. The concepts of social identity, appropriation of space, dilemma of commons and cognitive map were used. The results show that participants did not see themselves belonging to university residents group, they do not perceive the residence as their home and have difficulty performing household chores and following the house rules. The living room seems to be the most important area of residence for being associated with interpersonal conflicts and pleasant moments. We discuss the implications of these findings to understanding the dynamic operation of the residence halls and university education.


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How to Cite

Delabrida, Z. N. C. (2014). Individual, Social and Physical Environmental Variables in University Residences. Psico, 45(3), e10-e20.



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