Urban Green Park as Psychosocial Development Space and Socioenvironmental Awareness
Green Urban Parks, Restorative Environments, Environmental Affection.Abstract
Green parks in large metropolis have been identified as spaces that promote physical and mental well-being, considering its features that allow the visitor contact with nature. This study, carried out with visitors of a Green Urban Park (GUP) in the city of Manaus-AM, investigated the motivations present in the choice of visiting this space and the types of feelings activated in contact with nature. The study was conducted with 140 adults (M=59, F=81) and followed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach through semi-structured interviews, during their visit to the park. The results showed that, besides psychosocial benefits provided by these environments, identified as restorative, visitors experienced feelings of appreciation of nature. Such experience also aroused greater awareness of environmental protection and care among those visitors.
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