“Home Sweet Home”: Place Attachment in Risk Area Facing Natural Disasters
Environmental Psychology, Place Attachment, House, Risk Area, Natural Disasters.Abstract
The goal of this research was to comprehend the characteristics of the attachment to a home located in a risk area. The structure of the paper was qualitative with a multimethod approach, through the Walk-around-the-block and semi-structured interview with 18 residents of an area evaluated by the Civil Defense (natural disasters management department) as having very high risk of flooding and landslides. The speeches were analyzed through Grounded Theory, from which analysis categories were established. It was evidenced that the functional and symbolic processes of the place attachment contributed to the maintenance of the phenomenon and to the staying in the house. On the other hand, the feelings of unsafety and fear arising from the occurrence of the natural disasters along with the physical characteristics of the home had influence upon attachment and care for the environment, in such way that there was an ambivalence of feelings among participants, resulting in distress between leaving or staying in the house.Downloads
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