Alcohol Consumption in Adolescence and the Relationship with Alcoholic Beverage Excessive Use of Parents: Students of Four Schools of Porto Alegre
Adolescence, Alcohol, Family.Abstract
The overall objective of this study was to investigate what is the relationship between the perception of teens about how their parents consume alcoholic beverages. The sample consisted of 74 adolescent students aged between 10 and 16 years of public and private schools in Porto Alegre, RS. A questionnaire about the first use of alcohol and drugs was applied. We have seen that there is significant association between considering someone in the family drinks too much and wich relative has such behavior (χ² = 74, g1 = 4, p < 0.001). 74% of teenagers aged 15 to 16 said they had experienced some type of alcoholic beverage. Moreover, we observed a significant relationship between the results to consider a relative drinks excessively and alcohol consumption by adolescents. This study concluded that adolescents who considered your parents drink much alcohol drink earlier, with more intensity and beverage with more alcohol.Downloads
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