Appraisal and Coping of Children and Youths with Different Levels of Externalizing Behavior
Coping, Behavior disorders, Aggressive behavior.Abstract
Studies show a relationship between externalizing behavior, perception and coping. This study aims to compare the appraisal and coping of children and adolescents with low, medium and high scores on externalizing behavior. Participants were 512 children and adolescents aged 11 to incomplete 18, who responded to Coping Response Inventory- Y (CRI- Y) and Youth Self Report (YSR). No statistically significant differences were found on aggressive behavior or breaking rules by sex. However, there was a statistically significant difference between appraisal and coping according to the levels of aggressive behavior or breaking rules. Taken together, the data presented in this study seem to corroborate the literature that points to the existence of a perceptual distortion and low coping skills among children and adolescents with externalizing problems. This information can be especially useful for the development of stress management, cognitive correction and training in coping skills programs.Downloads
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