Maternal-Fetal Attachment and Maternal Perception about Infant Interactive Skills in the First Month
Interactive Skills, Maternity, Maternal-Fetal Attachment.Abstract
The mother’s perception about the infant´s interactive skills has been identified as a crucial factor for the establishment of appropriate interactive patterns between the mother-child dyad. The aim of this study was to examine the relations between maternal-fetal attachment and the mother’s perception about the infant´s interactive skills. The study included 64 mothers of boys who responded the Maternal-fetal Attachment Scale in the third trimester of pregnancy, and an interview about the experience of motherhood, during the infant’s first month of life. There was a positive correlation between maternal-fetal attachment and the general perception of the infant interactive skills (r=0,23; p<0,05). Regression analysis confirmed that maternal education and maternal-fetal attachment explained 12% of variance in the mother’s perception of the infant´s interactive skills. The relevance of the relationship between mother and fetus during pregnancy for mother-infant interaction in the postnatal period is discussed.Downloads
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