Psychopathy in the Context of the Big Five Personality Factors
Psychopathy, Big Five, Personality, Trait, Extraversion.Abstract
Psychopathy is a severe personality disorder. Despite results indicating that extraversion and agreeableness are two markers of the big five as its predictors, evidence in Brazil are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to know whether normal personality (non-psychotic) factors predict the three phenotypes evaluated by the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM). Participants were 228 undergraduate students from João Pessoa (PB), with mean age of 25.1 years, mostly were female (76%). They answered the TriPM, the Big Five Inventory, and demographic questions. Results indicated that the factors extraversion, openness to experience and agreeableness predicted psychopathy, which corroborated previous studies. These findings are discussed on the basis of the big five model in order to understand this socially deviant trait, in which the lack of affection and the manipulative behavior are central features.
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