Differential item functioning in the Higher Education Dropout Reasons Scale (M-ES)
Differential items functioning (DIF), Student dropouts, Higher education.Abstract
The study aimed verify the adequacy of the Reasons for Higher Education Dropout Scale through rating scale model and investigated the presence of items differential functioning (DIF) according to the type of institutions of research participants, public or private. The participants were 327 college studants from public and private universities from all Brazilian states, including the Federal District. The ages ranged from 17 to 58 years and 80,1% were female. The instrument used was the Reasons for Higher Education Dropout Scale. The results showed that the analyzes appropriateness of the satisfactory and that there was the presence of items differential functioning some items of the scale with most of the items with the presence of DIF had a privileged group of the public institution students. The results are discussed according to the literature and studies are suggested.
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