Social representations of aging and rejuvenation for women who adopt rejuvenation practices
Social Representation, Aging, Rejuvenation.Abstract
This research aimed to investigate the social representations of aging and rejuvenation for women that adopt rejuvenation practices. The participants were 40 women aged from 30 to 60 years old. Half of them (n=20) have used non-invasive rejuvenation practices while the other half (n=20) have used invasive and/or minimal invasive rejuvenation practices. A semidirective and unstructured interview was used to investigate the social representations of aging and rejuvenation. Furthermore, a structured questionnaire was used and included objective questions related to participant’s demographics. The data analysis involved descriptive and relational statistics. The results indicate that the social representations of aging and rejuvenation showed distinct elements, associated with each type of rejuvenation practice adopted. The elements such as social pressure and to be hard on yourself appears related to the type of rejuvenation practice adopted by the women. Lastly, the aging was meant as a subjective condition.
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