Video-orientation as psychological intervention with patients receiving cardiac catheterization
Psychological intervention, Cardiac Catheterization, Psychocardiology, Cardiology, Health Psychology.Abstract
Anxious patients tend to present clinical complications in cardiac catheterization, which might bring difficulties to the procedure. Psychological interventions aim to help the patient to experience the different phases of the treatment more peacefully. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of a video-orientation towards the levels of anxiety and fear in patients under cardiac catheterization. Therefore, it was used a quasi-experimental method with an intervention group (30) and a control group (30), average age of 62 years old, 37 men and 23 women. There were administered 1) Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults (ISSL), Beck Anxiety Inventory and a self-report questionnaire to both groups; 2) video-orientation for intervention group; 3) self-report questionnaire to both groups. Statistical analysis showed a significantly better knowledge about the procedure, reduced concern, anxiety and fear in intervention group. It was comprehended that the video-orientation was effective, responding to the necessity of qualification in psychological assistance.
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