Medical students attitudes towards the “more doctors” reveals favouring ingroup
Social identity, Prejudice, Ingroup bias, “Mais Médicos” Program.Abstract
People are motivated to privilege its own group with material and symbolical resources. We proceeded to analyze how this phenomenon is present in medical student’s attitude about More Doctors program. We have tried the hypothesis that their reaction against doctors from other countries is motivated by in-group fostering, and that this effect is overpowered by the prejudice motivated by the doctor’s nacionalities. The research was made with 259 medical students placed at random according the origins of the doctors that will be assigned (Cuban vs. Spanish, Portuguese vs. Brazilian). The students show us who they approve it. Studies prove it that the students approve only Brazilian doctors on the job, and are against of doctors that are from other countries. In the panels we talked about those kinds of attitudes about the program More Doctors as indicators of social tensions underlying the resources distributions socially valued and motivated by identity bias.
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