Bullying and behavior problems reported by victims and teachers: brazilian findings
Bullying, Victimization, Violence in school, Behavioral problemsAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of bullying in a Brazilian public school and to compare the behavior problems reported by the victims to the informed by their teachers. The School Violence Scale was used to identify bullied students. For behavioral problems, Youth Self Report and Teacher Report Form were used. From 154 adolescents assessed, 30 (19.4%) were identified as targets of bullying, (M age=12.4 yr., SD=.7), 24 males (80%). From those, 16 (53.3%) reached clinical levels on internalizing problems, 11(36.6%) on externalizing and 13 (43.3%) on total problems. This subsample reported more internalizing problems (F=13.40, p<.001) and less externalizing problems (F=6.63, p<.01) compared to the rated by teachers. The high frequencies of victims of bullying as well as the high scores of internalizing and externalizing problems in this subsample point to the urgency of preventing bullying and treating the victims.
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