The perception of people without children about the paternal function of openness to the world
paternity, father-child relations, child developmentAbstract
The recent Theory of Activation Relation states that the paternal function of opening the child to the world is related to the development of its autonomy. We investigated the perception of 218 people without children, the majority (63.8%) women with a mean age of 21 years, about the paternal function of opening to the world for boys and girls by means of the Adapted for People with No Children of the Openness to the World Questionnaire. The data, analyzed by means of parametric statistical tests, pointed out that in the perception of this sample the father activates more boys than girls. However, the more one perceives that the father activates the boy, the more it is considered that the father activates the girl with less intensity. The male participants considered that the father significantly more frequently punished the boys compared to the perception of female participants. Therefore, it is concluded that in the perception of the participants the father activates boys and girls differently.
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