Construction of the academic procrastination scale – reasons
motivation, delay, undergraduate studentAbstract
The academic procrastination is a way of postponing the fulfillment of academic tasks that can be prejudicial to undergraduates. This study aims to elaborate and investigate evidences of validity and reliability of the Academic Procrastination Scale – Reasons, which evaluates the perception of undergraduates about the frequency of their procrastination on academic tasks and the reasons associated with it. The analytical sequence included semantic analysis of the initial item pool, and further external relationships to most procrastinated tasks, conscientiousness, depression, impulsivity, and gender. The sample consisted of 604 undergraduate and data collection was online. Ordinal exploratory factor analysis uncovered a two-dimension latent structure: procrastination-anxiety and procrastination-demotivation. Despite containing few items, the resulting scales yielded acceptable internal consistency, and evidenced a similar pattern of correlations to depression (+) and conscientiousness (-). Suggestions for future studies are provided.
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