Comunicação pró-ambiental: estratégias informacionais, comportamentais e de framing em cartazes


  • Ligia Abreu Gomes Cruz Universidade de Brasília
  • Fabio Iglesias Universidade de Brasília



Pro-environmental communication, Persuasive strategies, Framing.


***Pro-environmental communication: informational, behavioral and framing strategies in posters***

Posters designed to promote pro-environmental behavior are a popular, low-cost resource, though often based on common sense. The objective of this research was to develop a categorization system to identify persuasive characteristics in pro-environmental posters, with a mixed methods approach. Based on a public sample and data saturation, 75 pieces of Brazilian advertising were selected, by mainly identifying: persuasive strategies; type of emphasis regarding the impacts of environmental problems; type of recommended behavior. Results revealed that the majority of posters emphasized consequences towards nature, operationalized behaviors, showed information or used positive framing. Qui-square tests showed that positive framing was associated with indication of behavior and emphasis on nature. The opposite occurred with negative framing. Efficacy limitations in pro-environmental posters are discussed, along with the advantages of using categorization systems (such as the one developed) to guide research and intervention, are advocated.


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Author Biographies

Ligia Abreu Gomes Cruz, Universidade de Brasília

Bolsista de Doutorado da CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das OrganizaçõesUniversidade de Brasília.

Fabio Iglesias, Universidade de Brasília

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações

Universidade de Brasília.


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How to Cite

Cruz, L. A. G., & Iglesias, F. (2017). Comunicação pró-ambiental: estratégias informacionais, comportamentais e de framing em cartazes. Psico, 48(4), 306–316.


