The experience of fatherhood by the end of the infant’s first year of life
Experience of fatherhood, Fatherhood, Father-infant relationship.Abstract
In this study we investigated the experience of fatherhood by the end of the infant’s first year of life. A total of 35 primiparous fathers, who were of different socioeconomic backgrounds and lived in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, took part in this study. They were individually interviewed and their responses were grouped, after a qualitative content analysis, into three categories: Himself as father and the experience of fatherhood, His child and the experience of fatherhood, His wife and the experience of fatherhood. The results indicated satisfaction with fatherhood, and fathers were shown to be very involved in family life, as well as in baby care. Nevertheless, the experience of fatherhood was also associated with some difficulties, which enables one to think about how this experience may be ambivalent.
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