Trends in sexual orientation in Brazil
sexual minorities, sexual orientation identity, Internet research methods, gays, lesbians and bisexualsAbstract
The current study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of sexual identities in Brazil across age and sex based on five categories (heterosexuals, mostly heterosexuals, bisexual, mostly homosexuals, and homosexuals) and to assess homoerotic ideation and behavior in heterosexuals. The data were collected using self-report questionnaires in a research website. Data from 41,873 participants were collected and analyzed. From total sample, 78.2% of males and 89.8% of females self-declared to be heterosexuals. The most prevalent minorities were homosexuals (4.6%) and mostly heterosexuals (4.1%). Same-sex ideation and behavior among heterosexuals was frequent and gender differences were robust. Orientation identities other than substantial heterosexuals seem to be more prevalent in the younger generations.
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