Convergent validity evidences for Wartegg test
Rorschach, Cluster analysis, Linear regression, Psychometrics.Abstract
Convergent validity evidences are observable on studies applying external variables that show some degree of relation. Present study aimed to verify such evidences for Wartegg test by using Rorschach (R-PAS). A cluster analysis was employed since it deals both with alpha and beta coefficients; the second is more conservative for variable grouping estimative. 40 subjects participated on the study, divided on two groups, one composed by schizophrenia diagnosed patients and another of subjects without psychiatric diagnosis history. Ages vary from 21 to 70 (M=40, SD=12,8), 36 male. Results indicated 7 groups of items, 6 composed of variables of the two instruments. Besides that, it was verified by means of logistic regression that one of the groupings shows significance on schizophrenia diagnosis prediction.
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