Resilience and psychoanalysis: a systematic review
Resilience, Psychoanalysis, Systematic review.Abstract
The aim of this paper was to investigate the concept of resilience by studying texts published in the field of psychoanalysis (over a ten-year period). Through a systematic review of articles published between 2004 and 2014, using descriptors in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Five data bases were searched, namely Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo, BVS Index Psi and PsycInfo. We gathered 280 published items, including articles, papers, reviews and other types of material. After exclusion criteria, 11 articles were selected for analysis. The majority of the analysed articles were theoretical reviews. The concept of resilience in Psychoanalysis tends to be related to other concepts (e.g. trauma and violence). By itself it indicates an ability that was built fundamentally in through relationships: between subjects, and between subjects and their environments. The studies agree on the notion of resilience as a process that goes beyond simple adaptation. It is in fact an ability to survive, related to intra-psychic capabilities and early emotional experiences. In this respect, resilience emerges as a characteristic that is closely related to the social context of the subject. In fact, it develops from and within this context.
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