Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ): new validity evidences and cross-cultural invariance
acceptance and commitment therapy-ACT, validity, psychotherapy, Item Response Theory-IRT, cross-cultural psychology.Abstract
The cognitive fusion is a key concept in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-ACT. It is a mechanism in which the person merges with his/hers thoughts as if they were real. The objectives of this study were to estimate new validity evidences of the Brazilian version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) and to test the items invariance among Brazilian and French-Canadian sample. The sample comprised 578 Brazilian adults and 676 French-Canadian adults. The Exploratory Factor Analysis showed adjustment of the one-dimensional structure, confirming the theoretical hypothesis. The Rating Scale Model showed difficulty indexes between -0, 42 e 0, 69, god fit indexes (Infit/Outfit) between 0,79 e 1,45 to both items versions, as well as summarized description of participants' theta levels. The DIF analysis showed that two items violated the invariance of the difficulty parameter due to cultural clashes. However, it was observed invariance of these parameters when the participants’gender was considered in the analysis.
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