Relation between the schema domains of disconnection/rejection and autonomy/impaired performance and clinical dimensions of personality
clinical dimensions of personality, early maladaptive schemas, cognitive vulnerability.Abstract
Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) are patterns of developed emotional and cognitive responses of the interaction between personality and experiences in childhood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between EMSs and clinical dimensions of personality in a non-clinical sample. For this, 189 university students answered the sociodemographic questionnaire, instruments of anxious and depressive symptomatology, attachment and maladaptive schemas. Schema domains correlated with all clinical dimensions of personality. The data suggest that individuals with the dimensions Dependence, Mood Instability and Critical Avoidance are more likely to present Disconnection / Rejection and Autonomy and Impaired Performance schemas. The research allows the integration of the study of Personality and Schema Therapy.
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