The maternal behavior and the post-partum depression in the development of language and prossocial behavior of 3-year-old children
Maternal depression, Prossocial behavior, Pragmatic development.Abstract
This study aimed at verifying the influence of post-partum depression on the maternal behavior in the development of language and prossocial behavior of 3-year-old children. A total of 61 mother-child dyads being attended by the Public Health System in the Municipality of São Paulo took part in this study, where 28 mothers presented signs of depression at some point after childbirth in one of the assessments performed (puerperium, 8, 24 and 36 months) during the longitudinal project. During twenty minutes of free play between mother and child, pragmatic aspect of language development (through communicative actions and means) and the clean-up task were assessed. The data, analyzed through parametric statistical tests, showed that depression factors influencing maternal behavior in relation to the child are subtle, insofar as the children presented a linguistic performance within the standards expected for the age, verbalized more and used more gestures to communicate, exhibiting more objects to their mothers and made more comments. Mothers without depression explain the reasons and motives of things to their children and they, in turn, provide less help to their mothers, which is demonstrated through defiance and refusals.
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