Psychometric properties of Fredrickson’s Positivity Test in a military context
Affection, Test of Positivity, Military.Abstract
The role of affections for adaptability to adverse circumstances has been widely discussed in the literature, emphasizing the central role they play in psychological functioning. The present study aimed to validate, for Brazil, the Positivity Test, developed by Fredrickson (2009). The instrument has 20 items equally divided into two factors: positive affects and negative affects. This study included 1097 cadets of the course of army officers. There were two data collection; in the first one, 354 cadets participated, in the second, 743. With the first collection data held an Exploratory Factor Analysis which confirmed the original structure of the instrument. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis, performed with data from the second collection, corroborated the original model of the instrument. There were significant positive correlations between this measure and satisfaction with life and work. The results demonstrate the suitability of the instrument in military contexts.
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