Anxiety and depressive symptoms in brazilian college students
college students, anxiety, depression.Abstract
This study aims to characterize anxiety and depressive symptoms in college students and to verify if these variables are associated with sex, institution type, area and graduation year. The sample comprises 558 students from the interior of São Paulo state (55.4% women), from public and private colleges, from different areas and graduation periods. Instruments used were the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventory (BAI and BDI) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were used for data analysis. The results show that the moderate and severe ranges correspond to 10.8% of the BAI sample, 5.4% of the BDI and 5% of the PHQ-9, with an association between sex and the scoring ranges for all instruments. Psychological suffering of the sample and gender specificities highlights the importance of improving the support offered by university institutions.
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