Self-perception in the Rorschach-CS of the Elderly with Depression in a Idiographic Perspective
projective techniques, psychological assessment, chronic illness, aging.Abstract
The use of self-expression can bring contributions to the apprehension of mental work. This study proposes to evaluate the self-perception in the Rorschach-SC of the elderly with depression in an idiographic perspective. Thirty-one protocols for the elderly between 60 and 86 years of age, 29 women and two men were analyzed. The qualitative analysis included morphic content (MOR), Shaded Vista (SumV), Poor Quality Human Representation (PHR) with distorted formal quality (FQ-), and coded with PHR, Special Codes (Sum6) and Critical Special Codes (WSum6). The results demonstrated: a) responses with MOR suggestive of a negative and disqualified self-image; B) SumV responses indicating for self criticism and self-aversion; C) PHR responses with CF - suggesting distorted and inadequate self-perception; D) PHR responses with Sum6 and WSum6 reporting for cognitive and self-perceptual changes. The Rorschach findings allowed us to analyze typical configurations of elderly people with depression and indicate perspectives for psychotherapeutic.
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