Construction and Validity Evidence of The Bodily Satisfaction and Sexual Satisfaction for Lesbians (LESBIAN-ESCSS)
lesbian, body satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, evidence of validity, psychometric properties.Abstract
The study presents the stages of a psychometric instrument construction specific to lesbian population and the description of their validation evidences. The quantitative data were collected the Google Forms app on google drive through the sample 1231 Brazilian lesbian women (M = 27,87; SD = 9,10). 5 steps were taken to the construction and validation of the psychometric instrument: 1) Qualitative evaluation of the instruments by focus group of experts; 2) Evaluation of instruments by key informants; 3) Analysis by peer judges; 4) Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA); 5) Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA). The results of the EFA and the CFA were conducted in Mplus software version 7.11. The results describe the creation and validation evidences of the BSSSS Lesbian, scale Likert type from 0 to 6, composed by 30 items, and the internal reliability of the whole scale is 0.907. The instrument was specific and adequate to the measurement of aspects related to the body satisfaction and sexual in lesbian women.
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