Stress, hopelessness and future expectations in adolescence in student of the high school
adolescent, stress, hopeless, expectationsAbstract
This paper investigated the association levels of stress, hopelessness and future expectations in a sample of 295 teenagers, high school students of a private confessional education network (with 127 boys (43.1%) and 168 girls (56.9 %)); 14-18 years (M = 15.90; SD = 1.21), in the metropolitan region of Belém, Pará. The instruments used were: demographic questionnaire, Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESA), Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and questionnaire about future expectations. Through statistical techniques for data analysis, it was observed that the girls were more stressed than children and adolescents with moderate stress had high levels of hopelessness. Also found that adolescents with high levels of stress have low or very low expectation of being respected in the community. This study suggests that stress can compromise the future of expectations and well-being of adolescents.
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