Reliability of scores from the National Exam of Upper Secondary Education (Enem)
national exam of upper secondary education (Enem), reliability, composite reliability, composite reliabilitybifactor modelAbstract
The National Exam of Upper Secondary Education (ENEM) generates a score for each domains it assess: mathematics, languages, natural sciences, and humanities. Considering the relevance of the Exam in the access to higher education and in other practical aspects of Brazilian students’ life, the present study investigates the reliability of the scores from the four domains. We used as a sample the scores of the students who participated in the 2011 edition of the Exam. The analyzes involved the estimation of the parameters of an oblique four-factor model and a bifactor model using confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the estimation of composite and omega reliability of the four domains and the general performance factor, in the case of the bifactor model. We used the 30 competences of each domain as observable variables. The results indicated high reliability only for the scores from the general factor.
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