Drawing The Human Figure: Systems Most Used In Cognitive Assessment Of Children
DFH, teste de figuras humanas, cognição, crianças, avaliação psicológicaAbstract
This study investigated the most frequently used Human Figure Drawing (HFD) cognitive systems in the international and national scope, and carried out a qualitative analysis of them. A search was conducted through the databases Periódicos CAPES, SciELO, Redalyc and Pepsic. Based on the selection criteria, an analysis of 33 articles provided the identification of the Goodenough-Harris system, as the most studied internationally, and the Wechsler system in the national context. The largest number of publications occurred in 2005. Regarding the study types, among those with a Brazilian sample most aimed to find validity evidence, while internationally studies were more heterogeneous. The conclusion is that most systems presented minimally fit psychometric properties, but that new studies are necessary to investigate system function, particularly at the national level, which has only 10 studies. Limitations and research agenda are presented.
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