Negative Attitudes Toward Effeminacy Scale (NATE): adaptation and evidence of validity in Brazil
effeminacy, homosexuality, adaptation, factor analysis.Abstract
The present study proposes adapting the Negative Attitudes Toward Effeminacy Scale (NATE) to the Brazilian context. Therefore,a careful process of adaptation was carried out and a survey (n = 1123) was conducted with gay men, bisexual men, and men who have sex with men, older than 18 years and mean age of 26.85 years (SD = 8.51). An Exploratory Factor Analysis suggested a new model with less items (12) and with two factors, Intimate Rejection and Public Rejection, which together explain 67.50% ofvariance, differ from the original model (one-factor and 17 items). As for internal consistency, the first factor obtained a Cronbach alpha of 0.918 and the second 0.866. This new model was tested in a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and showed good adjustment indexes in its final version. The results suggest that NATE presents good adaptation and suitable psychometric properties.
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