Your Personality Goes to The Mall? Relationships Between Personality and Impulse Buying
impulse buying, social influence, personality traits.Abstract
The aim of this study was to test the predictive power of the Big Five personality factors, social influence and sociodemographic variables on impulse buying. To achieve such goals, the buying impulsiveness scale and reduced markers of the big five was applied, along other instruments. They participated in the study 1,296 Brazilians with an average age of 35.8 years (DP = 12.8) and minimum schooling of incomplete secondary education. The regression model tested explained 23% of the impulse buying variance, with the greatest predictive powers being the normative interpersonal influence and the neuroticism personality factor, both positive predictors; followed by the habit of making purchase list and the conscientiousness factor, as negative predictors. The results confirm the predictive power of personality factors, consumption habits and sociodemographic variables on impulse buying behavior.
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