Profissional social skills and future expectations as predictors of professional choice self-efficacy
self-efficacy, occupational choice, social skillsAbstract
During high school, students can face the first choices related to their professional future. The study investigated the extent to which gender, social skills and future expectations predict professional choice self-efficacy of high school students. A total of 436 students (M = 16,23, SD = 1,09) from both sexes from public and private schools in the State of Rio de Janeiro participated. The instruments used were: Professional Choice Self-efficacy Scale; Future Expectations Scale; Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents; Socioeconomic Status Questionnaire. Social skills of social resourcefulness and affective approach, expectations of the future in relation to work and education, and the female sex explained 26% of the variability of professional choice self-efficacy of students. The research data may contribute to the planning of future intervention programs with students, their families and teachers.
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