Postpartum depression and sociodemographic variables in mothers of babies with and without Down’s Syndrome
postpartum depression, mothers-babies, Down’s Syndrome.Abstract
Depression that initiates at puerperium is denominated maternal depressive post-partum disorder (M-DPPD). Down Syndrome (DS) is a chromosopathy of high incidence that occasionates specific physical, clinical and intellectual manifestations. This study aimed to describe and compare the frequency of M-DPPD and sociodemographic characteristics in mothers of babies with and without DS and identify possible predictors of M-DPPD among maternal, baby and family sociodemographic variables. Participants were 60 dyads. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) were used. The results did not showed a significant difference in the M-DPPD indices of the groups, being these higher in mothers of infants without SD. Comparing the sociodemographic variables, the number of children and the age of the baby were higher among mothers of babies with SD and more mothers of babies without SD working outside. Schooling, family type, and baby’s age were predictors for DPP-M.
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