Alterations in cognitive functions in battered women
Systematic review and meta-analysis
Battered women, violence based on gender, domestic violence, neuropsychological performance, systematic reviewAbstract
The present study aimed to perform a systematic review and meta- analysis on alterations in cognitive functions in battered women. We selected an initial sample of 643 records obtained from the databases: Medline, ERIC, PsycInfo, CNAIL, Proquest and Scielo. Following the study selection procedure led to the retention of 12 articles on which the study has focused. The results of the qualitative synthesis indicate that attention, language, memory, visuospatial skills, executive function, motor speed and educational performance are altered in battered women, with greater evidence of deterioration in the areas of attention, memory and executive functions. The results of the meta-analysis suggest presence of brain damage in these women and a special affectation of the memory and executive functions. These results support the existence of alterations in cognitive functions in women who have been victims of abuse.
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